Rabu, 13 April 2011

Traditonal House of Dayak

hello friends, I'm Nuraisha, i wanna tell you about my journey to a place of value in Pontianak. Here I'll tell you about the indigenous Dayak house.
Betang house is one of the traditional house of Dayak tribe, the tribe that dominates in Kalimantan (West) / Borneo.
The Long House or Rumah Betang is a replica from the traditional Dayak longhouses in the interior of Borneo. This house was built with a high pile of more than two meters, so people can freely walk under and inside the house.

The Long House is located in Sutoyo street, side by side with the Regional Library of West Kalimantan province, about 100 meters from the Provincial Museum. At this location is usually have 'Indigenous Dayak rice harvest feast' which display the Dayak ethnic arts and traditions of various sub-ethnic Dayaks in West Kalimantan. Although only an imitation, but this betang house, quite active in accommodating youth activities and art galleries Dayak. Usually here also conducting a ceremony held device Dayak once a year, in addition to devices Dayak, here too, where the princes  and princess selection event Dayak.
Betang house has its own uniqueness. Dayak carvings make this betang house is characteristic of these custom homes. and I did not miss a chance to take a pictures at this place. You should visit this place, because this place is one tourist destination in Pontianak.

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